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Oh, my boots, they shine
And my bowler looks fine
Take some time and care
Take a look at my hair

Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah
I'm a joker in the pack
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah
I'm a joker in the pack

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We hit the dance hall
So smart and so chic
I make them laugh a lot
I make them accept me

Secrets are spoken
And plans are drawn in the dust
With a gay bravado
I'm taken into their trust

Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah
I'm a joker in the pack
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah
I'm a joker in the pack

Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah
I'm a joker in the pack
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, I'm a

Oh, my boots, they shine
And my bowler looks fine
But don't confide in my smile
Because jokers are wild

Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah
I'm a joker in the pack
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah
I'm a joker in the pack
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah
I'm a joker in the pack

Writer(s): Melvin Leroy Ellis, Keith Warren, Michael Davison, Peter Jonnathan Davison

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