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You'll go
I know
You'll go
I know

The trees are too green,
And it's too warm for a moment that is supposedly dying
The sea is too deep,
And it's too cold for something,
That I'll probably die in
The world is too big for us to pretend,
That this really was a coincidence
And I'm too afraid to say anything,
That could possibly jeopardize it
The train was so loud,
When they make a break to get out of the city
The days are so round,
And I'll never know when exactly there ending

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I don't want to be the one to say I told you so
So I won't be the one to say I told you so

You'll go
I know

The rain is too wet,
And it's too long waiting for these broken showers
Things have been said but there too small,
To make me less of a coward
The city's too busy for us to sit easy,
Where the minutes get hours
And I'm too appalled to say what I saw,
When I got to the top of the tower
The smoke hit our lungs when we smiled at the floor,
Late in the morning
The joke was on us,
And all I could see was the distortion blurring

I don't want to be the one to say I told you so
So I won't be the one to say I told you so

You'll go
I know
You'll go
I know

I dont want to be the one to say I told you so
So I won't be the one to say I told you so
I dont want to be the one to say I told you so
So I won't be the one to say I told you so
I don't want to be the one to say I told you so
So I won't be the one to say I told you so
I don't want to be the one to say I told you so

Writer(s): Rachel Brown

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