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The truth became so clear to you
And so your faith has died
Now see what waits for you
On the other side

A morbid sea of deepest black
A distant ever burning flame

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With nowhere else to turn, we wander alone
Forever, alone

Forsaken by the God you loved
And now your love has died
No miracle will shine
Shine its light on you

So easily directed
Your thoughts remain, your only guide

Now, you will see no truth
Beneath this cloak of lies

A distant ever piercing cry
So far away

Blinded by aspirations of a higher state
Wasting your life just searching
For a periphery

Hold on to the thought that it was just
And pray for life to continue
We'll fall beyond safety's grasp
To re-emerge, lifeless, trying to
Break from the clutches of our death

A morbid sea of deepest black
A distant ever burning flame

A distant ever piercing cry
So far away


Writer(s): Josh Middleton, Jamie Graham

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