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Waiting for a train
Going nowhere in a nowhere station
Staying up last night
Going nowhere with my trains of thought
Sleeping with your boy
Going nowhere in a long distance relation
Blinded of your senses
By the fear of unrequited love

Once more I woke up in the moonlight
Once more our paths crossed through the night
And a moment's hesitation
Your silent invocation
But you shielded me from your glow
Like a moth against your window
And I'm too shy to stop you in your tracks
Oh you leave me in the dark

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Drifting in my boat
Going nowhere with my aspirations
You and me connected
Unexpected in our drifting thoughts
But you still see him
And I am sinking in the storm of separation
Blinded of my senses
By the fear of unrequited love

Once more I woke up in the moonlight
And twice more our paths crossed through the night
And a moment's hesitation
Your silent invocation
But you shielded me from your glow
Like a moth against your window
And I'm too shy to stop you in your tracks
Oh you leave me in the dark again
And I need someone
To stop me from drifting
It's getting late to be travelling

Destined to go nowhere
By the fear of unrequited love

Writer(s): Brian David James Briggs

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