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Everything becomes so defined
That in the end, there's no definition
They do not mean a thing
They do not tell a story

We communicate more and more
In more defined ways than ever before
But no one has got anything to say
It's all very poor, it's all just a bore

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Someone has to make the difference
Between the seeming and the meaning
(We communicate more and more) the seeming
(It's all very poor, it's all just a bore) overruns the meaning

Everything becomes so defined
That in the end, there's no definition
They do not mean a thing (they do not mean a thing)
They do not tell a story (they do not tell a story)

We communicate more and more
In more defined ways than ever before
But no one has got anything to say
It's all very poor, it's all just a bore

Someone has to make the difference
Between the seeming and the meaning
(We communicate more and more) the seeming
(It's all very poor, it's all just a bore) overruns the meaning

We communicate more and more
In more defined ways than ever before
But no one has got anything to say
It's all very poor, it's all just a bore

Someone has to make the difference
Between the seeming and the meaning
(We communicate more and more) the seeming
(It's all very poor, it's all just a bore) overruns the meaning

Writer(s): Timothy John Gane, Laetitia Sadier

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