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Started pulling my teeth
'Bout as fun as expected
Got a concerning call
Woke me up before breakfast
Now I'm down in my head
And the lighting's not helping
Probably should stop smoking
But I can't bring myself to do
Anything at all these days
Life's just a game, and I'm losing the pieces, instructions that tell me how I need to play
How will I make it now?

Nights that we would spend
Drowning all our sorrows
Bottles in the ditch
Won't leave 'til tomorrow
Hell yeah, life's a bitch
Wake me when it gets better
And though I can't see all around me
All the faces still pass me
I'll make a lifetime last three
Just to stay away from you

Il testo continua qui sotto...

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I woke up and I'm hurt
Threw myself in a hearse
I was walking for miles
Just to make someone smile
I woke up with bruises
Realized I'm abusive
Concealer game is good though
Now they don't show
So please don't go

Nights that we would spend
Drowning all our sorrows
Bottles in the ditch
Won't leave 'til tomorrow
Hell yeah, life's a bitch
Wake me when it gets better
And though I can't see all around me
All the faces still pass me
I'll make a lifetime last three
Just to stay away from you

Writer(s): Bobby Cnare

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