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You're dark grey like a storm cloud
Swelling up with rage that is desperate to be let out
And I know it's a heavy load carrying those tears around
Carrying those fears around, worry makes the world go 'round

You're twisted up like a slipknot
Tied by a juicehead who just took his t-shot, and I know
There's a hungry dog tugging at your frayed ends
But he's just playing with you, he just wants to be your friend

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So don't worry, don't worry I'm here by your side
By your side, by your side
We're letting go tonight

Yesterday is gone and you will be okay
Place your past into a book
Burn the pages, let 'em cook, oh
Yesterday is dead and gone, and so today
Place your past into a book
Burn the pages, let 'em cook

Eyes stinging from the black smoke, new hope, loose rope
Risen from the undertow, all is well
We welcome the cry, of the dark night sky
Swallow me peacefully, follow my heart back inside

So don't worry, don't worry I'm here by your side
By your side, by your side
We're letting go tonight

Yesterday is gone and you will be okay
Place your past into a book
Burn the pages, let 'em cook, oh
Yesterday is dead and gone, and so today
Place your past into a book
Burn the pages, let 'em cook

Don't worry, don't worry I'm here by your side
By your side, by your side
We're letting go tonight

Yesterday is gone and you will be okay
Place your past into a book
Burn the pages, let 'em cook, oh
Yesterday is dead and gone and so today
Place your past into a book
Burn the pages, let 'em cook, oh

Writer(s): Sia Furler, Gregory Kurstin

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