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Stay awhile, let me hold you
Stay awhile til I've told you, oh
Of the love that I feel tonight, oh yeah!

Stay awhile, whats your hurry?
Stay awhile cause I worry, oh
Any time that you're out of sight

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I hate to see you go
I tell you what I'll do, I'll be good to you
I'll make you glad that you are mine
So come on baby

Treat me right, must you run now?
For the nights just begun now, oh
Honey please, wont you stay awhile with me?

I hate to see you go
I tell you what I'll do, I'll be good to you
I'll make you glad that you are mine
So come on baby

Treat me right, must you run now?
For the nights just begun now, oh
Honey please, wont you stay awhile with me?
So, Honey please, wont you stay awhile with me?
Oh yeah, Honey please, wont you stay awhile with me?
Oh yeah!

Writer(s): Mike Hawker, Ivor Raymonde

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