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Did you get what you wanted?
Trail blazin' runnin' wild now
Did you get what you wanted?
Sped off on your own
Place and place above all else now
Sped off on your own

And you're runnin' in circles and games to carry on
You find you look up and realize what you've done
When the lights fall
It all really just fades away now
You'll find out what was true
When the lights fall
It all really just fades away now
You'll find out what was true

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Did you see what you wanted?
Takin' off all alone now
Did you see what you wanted?

When the roaring crowds won't fill this hole
Bags are packed with no where to go
Strangers words don't feel like they once did
And a life defined by all you've got
Trading time without a thought
Realizing there's nothing to be one

When the lights fall
It all really just fades away now
You'll find out what was true
When the days done
And you find that you're all alone
You'll realize there's nothing to be won
There's nothing to be

Writer(s): Ryan J Harris

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