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It ain't no use, ain't no use
Maybe some guys just ain't meant to
I was living in Montana once and I was married
For a while it rolled so easy
But she got to where she couldn't stand our place
She got to where she cringed at the way I slept and ate
I bought her a bird, a finch she called little Joe
And then one night she blew into a rage
In a snowstorm she ran outside and opened up the cage

Wake up Ray let's get out of here
This town's done nothing it's clear but try to do us

Il testo continua qui sotto...

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Wake up Ray, the sun's coming up and still I can't stop thinking
How can someone you love so much grow against you so?
All I did, all I did was try to toe that line
The same line you see everyone else toe
Now all I remember is running through the snow
Looking for Little Joe as the wind blowed

Wake up Ray, I need a cup of coffee in a bad way
Let's get out of here this town ain't done nothing
It's clear but try to do us in

Writer(s): Willy Vlautin, Sean Oldham

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