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Down where ire meets
They share their odd seeds (fade away, fade away)
Tell me how can you sleep?
How we fade in defeat? (Fade away, fade away)

Bang my head against the wall
I'm tired of it
Bang my head against the wall
I'm tired of it

Il testo continua qui sotto...

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These news and figures
The lies get bigger (I resign, I resign)
Why do I shut
My mouth when they shout it out loud? (I resign, I resign)

Bang my head against the wall
I'm tired of it
Bang my head against the wall
I'm tired of it
Bang my head against the wall
I'm tired of it
Bang my head against the wall
I'm tired of it

Down where ire meets
They share their odd seeds, fade away

Bang my head against the wall
I'm tired of it
Bang my head against the wall
I'm tired of it
Bang my head against the wall
I'm tired of itㅤ
Bang my head against the wall
I'm tired of it

Writer(s): Dennis Borger, Fabian Langer, Christian Knippen, Lukas Bruns, Pott Steffen, Niklas Keiser

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