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I feel the walls come closing in on me
And there's no air to breathe in here
The silence tells me things I didn't want to know
I try to fight the panic
But I'm losing
And my mind is on a never ending journey
At the speed of light

Seeing you is wanting you
Wanting you is needing you
Needing you is craving you

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From the fire consuming my heart
This desire will tear me apart

My blood is warmer than the inner core of Venus
Feel the presence of the devil
And we get along just fine
I lay here talking to the darkness
But it speaks a different language
And I need to sleep
But I'm still wide awake
I feel the walls come closing in on me
And there's no air to breathe in here
The silence tells me things I didn't want to know
I try to fight the panic
But I'm losing
And my mind is on a never ending journey
At the speed of light

When day turns into night the nightmare begins

Writer(s): Thomas Taito Sandberg, Skalin Erik Akrl

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