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Spring comes slowly
To this old friend
Still I'm frozen
And still live alone

In time
Memories fade
Senses numb
One forgets how it feels
To have loved completely

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Love well young man
While you still can
Once your leaves turn
You won't love again

In time
Memories fade
Senses numb
One forgets how it feels
To have loved completely

Is it special when your lonely
Will you spend your whole life
In a studio apartment
With a cat for a wife

The seasons when they call you
Do you baracade the doors
Are you stubborn, stubborn
Stubborn to the core

Is it your way
Or the highway
Is it your way
Or the highway

Is it your way
Or the highway
Is it your way
Or the highway

Then the longest
Winter is on her way
You called her without knowing it
But now it's too late

Writer(s): David Shannon Bazan

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