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A child looks up into my eyes, nothing to say
An open hand with scars can hide the pain away
What I can give is not enough to help him grow
How can I fulfill his needs, embrace his soul?

The hope deep in his eyes are dreams he must let fly
So sing this song with me, this hopeful melody

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Just raise your head up and stand up, no fear in your eyes
Tell me love and hope never die
So raise your head up and stand up, no reason to cry
'Cause your heart and soul will survive

The child struggled to survive, now he's a man
With children of his own, he does the best one can
Tries to live with love and not let sorrow grow,
Even though he barely reaps all that he sows

The hope deep in his eyes are dreams he must let fly
So sing this song with me, this hopeful melody

Just raise your head up and stand up, no fear in your eyes
Tell me love and hope never die
So raise your head up and stand up, no reason to cry
'Cause your heart and soul will survive

Aledayall, aledeya ya
Aledayall, aledeya ya
Aledayall, aledeya ya
Aledayall, aledeya ya
Aledayall, aledeya ya

Just raise your head up and stand up, no fear in your eyes
Tell me love and hope never die
So raise your head up and stand up, no reason to cry
'Cause your heart and soul will survive

Just raise your head up and stand up, no fear in your eyes
Tell me love and hope never die
So raise your head up and stand up, no reason to cry
'Cause your heart and soul will survive

Just raise your head up and stand up, no fear in your eyes
Tell me love and hope never die
So raise your head up and stand up, no reason to cry
'Cause your heart and soul will survive

Writer(s): Ulises Baldomero Bella, Jiro Yamaguchi, Asdrubal P. Sierra, Willy D. Abers, Justin Poree, Raul Pacheco, Jason S. Eckl, K. C. Porter

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