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Don't, don't, don't
Say what you mean to say
Say what you mean to say
Just refrain

You've gone out drinking with your friends tonight
And you're not answering your phone
I don't know where you're at tonight
While I'm sitting here alone

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I'm going crazy
I'm going crazy
I'm banging my head against the wall
One, two, three
Maybe four or five drinks
How many will he buy to try and sweep you off your feet?

Don't, don't, don't, don't
Say what you mean to say
Say what you mean to say
Just refrain

I know that she'll come around again
She'll come around again
Like she did before

I guess I won't bother to call again
Since I must be on ignore
Are you doing this on purpose or are you just on the floor?

I'm thinking maybe
I'm thinking maybe
I need to get the hell out of here
One, two, three hours of staring at my ceiling
And you're not with me

Don't, don't, don't, don't
Say what you mean to say
Say what you mean to say
Just refrain

I know that she'll come around again
She'll come around again
Like she did before

Don't, don't, don't
Say what you mean to say
Say what you mean to say
Just refrain

Don't, don't, don't, don't
Say what you mean to say
Say what you mean to say
Just refrain

I know that she'll come around again
She'll come around again
Like she did before

Writer(s): Sean Thomas Sedita, Derek Lance Anderson, Christopher Lee Yetter, Jamie Allyn Pohl, Glenn Joseph Sedita

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