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Entrapped by claws of powerlessness
Gathering senseless pieces of my shattered mind
Neither light nor dark in this grey gap
But somehow I know our deep bond is not over yet
For I still feel your beat in me

Before your eyes I died
Although I have tried
I'm still somewhere else
As long as you cry
I'll get the strength to find the right way out

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I still bleed regretting what has been done
Believing your sign was everything I longed for
Castaway in the sea of eternal remorse
A memory resurfaces from afar
Out of focus like a dream
And now I can relive it again:
Before my eyes you laughed!

All the pain is in vain
All the pain is in vain

When all will fall I shall be there
From ruins of time I'll rise through the flames
Dressed in shades and crows
Before your eyes I'll soar

Before your eyes I will laugh

Writer(s): Dario Seregni, Davide Valerini, Michele Adami

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