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Oh, it's criminal
I'm stealing cars in my dreams
That neither you or I can drive
Passing the time away, cinema twice a day
Now, I'm now left to see
Put the guilt in me, my anxiety
Check your pulse when I speak

See me through it all
The rest is drenched in cold sweat nights
The words I never found to say
Masking humanity, here I'm looking for me
You're my hide away
Take the covers from me, naked for all to see
you handed me over
Oh, it's criminal
I'm stealing cars in my dreams
That neither you or I can drive
Passing the time away, cinema twice a day
Now, I'm now left to see
Put the guilt in me, my anxiety
Check your pulse when I speak

Il testo continua qui sotto...

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See me through it all
The rest is drenched in cold sweat nights
The words I never found to say
Masking humanity, here I'm looking for me
You're my hide away
Take the covers from me, naked for all to see
you handed me over

Writer(s): Nadine Shah, Benjamin Hillier

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