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Every now and then on my way home
I stop at a spot where the wild flowers grow
And I pick a few, 'cause she don't tell me to

I go out with my boys all right
Most of the time I call it a night
Before they do, 'cause she don't tell me to

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Sunday mornin', I'm in church and my butt and my back
And my necktie hurts, but I'm in the pew, she don't tell me to

Any other woman I know would have tried
To control me and it would be over
Blame it on my "goin' my own way" attitude

All of that stubbornness melts away
When I wake with her head on my shoulder
And I know I've got to love her until my life is through
'Cause she don't tell me to

I got demons and I've got pride
But when I'm wrong, I apologize
Like she's mine to lose, 'cause she don't tell me to

Well, I got dreams in this heart of mine
But nothin' that I wouldn't lay aside
If she asked me to
But she don't tell me to

And she don't even know that she keeps me lookin' for
The next right thing to do
'Cause she don't tell me to, yeah, yeah

Any other woman I know would have tried
To control me and it would be over
Blame it on my "goin' my own way" attitude

All of that stubbornness melts away
When I wake with her head on my shoulder
And I know I've got to love her until my life is through
What else can I do? What else can I do? Oh, I love her
'Cause she don't tell me to
She don't tell me to

Every now and then, on my home
I stop at a spot where the wild flowers grow
And I pick a few, yes, I do

Writer(s): Melvern Rivers Ii Rutherford, Tom C Shapiro, Bob Di Piero

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