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2, 3, 4

Things were good when we were young
Having fun and drinking beer
I remember driving drunk
In a Cadillac with no fear
I remember when you broke my guitar
Rickenbacker hit the floor

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I will never see you again
You're long gone my old friend

No sad songs for you Joe
No sad songs for you
No sad songs for you Joe
No sad songs for you

I remember when you fell in the mud
Hawaiian shirt of shame
I remember how you rolled a joint
A pregnant whale looks the same
I remember when you stabbed your foot
And your mom had to clean the blood

I will never see you again
You're long gone my old friend

No sad songs for you Joe
No sad songs for you
No sad songs for you Joe
No sad songs for you

I remember when you gave me my name
How it stuck just like glue
I remember two-part songs
I'm Cheeba thanks to you
I remember the El Camino
You in the back, in the rain

(Aaaah aaaah)

No sad songs for you Joe
No sad songs for you
No sad songs for you Joe
No sad songs for you
No sad songs for you Joe
No sad songs for you
No sad songs for you Joe
No sad songs for you

2, 3, 4 (ow)

Writer(s): Christopher Denis Bihuniak, Gregory Scott Benton

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