
  • Data di pubblicazione

    2 Dicembre 2010

  • Durata

    4 brani

Massimo Croce - Luigi Russolo Tribute (October 4, 2009)

Biography and Info:

Massimo Croce was born in Ferrara, Italy 1966, has been living and working in Cairo since 2001. Inspired by the work of futurist musicians of the early 20th century such as Luigi Russolo, Croce celebrates "noise" as an additional element of "sound" that could be utilized in the creation of musical pieces. His music (almost a misnomer) involves the desynchronization of somewhat distorted sounds. Describing his work pattern, Croce explains that he walks the streets of Cairo with a voice recorder, recording everyday sounds to which the average Egyptian on the street is oblivious. Callers at the bus station, street vendors, the familiar bustle on the Cairene streets, all draw a smile on his face while others may huff and puff about the annoying sound level. "Normally, noise is looked upon as something annoying. Yet, we have always been living with noise," Croce said. As a matter of fact, Russolo, his role model said the same thing almost a century ago.

Luigi Russolo was a painter, printmaker, writer and composer. Russolo is the forefather and theorizer of the “Electronic music” concept, invented and built instruments including Intonarumori ("intoners" or "noise machines"), to create "noises" for performance. On 11 March 1913 he published his futurist manifesto The Art of Noises (L’Arte dei rumori). The sound of the loud new world was not rendered in tones, but in noises.

In order to prepare this homage, M. Croce has used the recording of the sounds originates them of the Intonarumori, has transformed these sounds with a software for computer, having created a music using the Intonarumori.

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