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From where you stand
There's no way to change it
No way to make it make sense
And it's lonely there
There in the spotlight
Well, honey, don't I understand

You need someone to love you
You need someone to hold you
Someone to love you
Someone to love you
Someone to love you

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While you look at me
And try hard to hide it
Try hard to keep it all in
Well I found you out
Discovered your secrets
Well, honey, it ain't a sin

That you
Need someone to love you
Need someone to hold you
Someone to love you
Oh, someone to love you
Someone to love you, oh-oh yeah

It doesn't have to be me

But you
You need someone to love you
You need someone to tell you
That everything is alright
Someone to love you
Someone to love you
Someone to love you

Writer(s): Matt Morris

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