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It's the new indigo.

Ooh indigo in the sentimental blues
Ooh indigo
Just keep running through my mind,
Just an old refrain that keeps on running through my brain
It's blues don't you know
Yes another sad refrain, I mean
I couldn't wait for you
I had to keep pushin' and askin'
Don't you see?
I thought you were the one for me

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Always gets me in the sentimental blues

Ooh indigo
Sophisticated swing
The moon hangs too low
Look to the falling rain
Let it wash away your pain
Ooh indigo
A simple word, a whisper
The smell of her perfume
I ask myself
Why I had to keep on
Pushin' and askin'

Always gets me in the sentimental blues

Indigo blues

Writer(s): Nicole Benet Graham, Ludovic Loic Llorca

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