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Babies born into apocalypse
Got no vision, got no taste for death
You can't trust a man with hair like that
Too much deception, no self-conscience
Got no pity, got no purpose
Got no future, what's the point in it?

God is good and God is great
Now get the fuck out of the USA!
Christ liked the American way
A burning crucifix and a hanging tree!
A burning crucifix and a hanging tree!

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Learn to beg, learn to beg harder
Pray for walls, pray for slaughter
We don't want to die quietly
We want to fuck shit up and cause a scene
You're twit twit tweeting from a golden tower
Ain't got no soul to sell and that's your power

God is good and God is great
Now get the fuck out of the USA!
Christ likеd the American way
A burning crucifix and a hanging tree!
Automatic weapons and whitе supremacy!
Protected privilege without apology!
Liberty and justice for the wealthy!

God is good and God is great
Now get the fuck out of the USA!
Christ liked the American way
A burning crucifix and a hanging tree!
A burning crucifix and a hanging tree!
A burning crucifix and a hanging tree!

Writer(s): Thomas James Gabel

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