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Why wait until tomorrow?
What you can do today
If you don't do it now
It will be too late

Why wait until tomorrow?
What you can do today
If you don't do it now
You might lose it if you wait

Il testo continua qui sotto...

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On the empty road outside my window
Underneath the street lamp, I saw you
In this quiet light there was no sorrow
Just illuminated by the moon

Others are attracted by the sunlight
Me, I'm drawn to darkness and the shade

Why wait until tomorrow?
What you can do today
If you don't do it now
It will be too late

Why wait until tomorrow?
What you can do today
If you don't do it now
You might lose it if you wait

Sleep away the chaos that the sun brings
Waiting for our night time rendezvous
Making an appointment at the graveyard
Surrounded by the beauty of each tomb

Others are attracted by the sunlight
Me, I'm drawn to darkness and the shade

Why wait until tomorrow?
What you can do today
If you don't do it now
It will be too late

Why wait until tomorrow?
What you can do today
If you don't do it now
You might lose it if you wait
You might lose it if you wait

Writer(s): Jay Jay Johansson

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