
  • Data di pubblicazione

    4 Marzo 2017

  • Durata

    9 brani

Sinusoidal music, made of continuous fades and discontinuous pulsating rhythm. The electronic matrix of the Syracuse is then put to the service of the most desert and sometimes hypnotic melody and sounds. It is no coincidence that we are among the most important Bonobo influences: perhaps the most eclectic and attentive in the present that hosts us. From here, the downtempo, the chill-out of today, the sculptural minimalism, are all of the most valuable elements they love to get lost in the most astonishing influences - the Four Tet border, Notwist's hints, the memory of Kruder and Dorfmeister, You could go ahead by citing only people with extraordinary good taste. A bit is lost in a cyclicity that at times may be less conclusive or even snoby. Leave remains an electronically-trained disk for an artist who still believes in substance and form to be handled with care while awaiting future developments.

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