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Step into these shoes feel this heart

Step into these shoes they might fit you
See through these eyes might be the same view
If I'd lived through the same things as you
I'd share the laughs, and cry the tears that you do

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Step into these shoes and feel this heart
Step into these shoes no reason to fight

Look into m mind it might fit you
Act out this part is it so different to you
Even if we don't ever agree
The only difference is cosmetically

Step into these shoes no reason to fight
Step in step into these shoes and feel this heart

Just feel my heart it beats with you
We float downstream in the same canoe
You might find the ocean faster than me
But I'll see it eventually

Step into these shoes and feel this heart
Step into these shoes no reason to fight
Step into these shoes and feel this heart
oh feel this heart please feel it

Step into these shoes and feel this heart oh feel
This heart please feel it
Step into these shoes and feel this heart
Step in step into these shoes no reason to fight
Step in step into these shoes and feel this heart
Step in step into these shoes no reason to fight anymore

Feel this heart oh feel it
Step in step into these shoes no reason to fight

Writer(s): Howard Jones

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