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Talk to me, I'll make you laugh
I've never known how or when I should ask
Tore the line, we'll all be fine
Just waiting up next to all of our thoughts

Lie to me, then show me where
Maybe all bombs fly my own way
Shed some light, know you're right
Baby it'll all work out in the end
Tax to fine, rob you blind
And soon enough we'll be in pods on our way

Il testo continua qui sotto...

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I can see it coming, feels like I always will
Carrion outside, waiting for you
Pretty sure I'm sinking
But for a while I feel
Carrion outside, waiting for you
I can see it coming, feels like I always will
Carrion outside, waiting for you

Tipping forces greet us down
So when the sky falls out of the throne
But be my eyes to carry us
Burn it down, then start again

It feels like we're the only ones

I can see it coming, feels like I always will
Carrion outside, waiting for you
Pretty sure I'm sinking
But for a while I feel
Carrion outside, waiting for you
I can see it coming, feels like I always will
Carrion outside, waiting for you

Burning bright, like amber light
Just know that good fur grows darker than you
Carry on, but nothing more
We're all on a trip I've never pursued
Need to find what is mine
And I'll be out wondering how we got through

Writer(s): Felix William Michael Bushe, John Geoffrey Victor, Hugh Anthony Clark Schulte, Daniel Joseph Ward

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