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This storm will never lose control
She will rise and fall with the tide
I have found something to hold
A place to go, somewhere to hide

Someday the wind will blow
I know that someday the sun will show
So go on and blow

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There's an X over our names
We lost the game
There's no way to win it
Giving every drop you have
Won't matter much
If your heart isn't in it
There's an X over our names
We lost the game

I know that someday the wind will blow
I know that someday the sun will show
Someday the wind will blow
So go on and blow

There's a place where we can go
I know the way
Just say the word

Someday the wind will blow
I know that someday the sun will show
Someday the wind will blow
So go on and blow

Writer(s): Leigh Nash, Roy Salmond, Wilhelm Leeb, Leah Randi

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