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There's a war in you,
There's a war in me.
Caught up in the throws of love,
Gonna be some casualties.
All these slings and arrows,
All these sticks and stones.
We both know what we need to say,
But we leave that word alone.
One in the chamber,
Two ready to go.
She could pull the trigger and,
That's why I love her so.
One in the chamber,
Two ready to go.
She could pull the trigger and,
That's why i love her so.
There's a war in you,
There's a war in me.
Heat lingers in the air,
Til' it gets too hot to breathe.
Oh, my baby's crying,
Oh, his mother too.
I don't wanna hurt no one.
What else am I supposed to do.
One in the chamber,
Two ready to go.
She quick on the trigger and,
That's why I love her so.
One in the chamber,
Two ready to go.
She quick on the trigger and,
That's why I love her so.
Mmm, no no no.
That's why I love her so.
No, no.
Oh nooo.
That's why I love her so.

Writer(s): Iain Gordon, Tehimana Kerr, Chris Faiumu, Scott Towers, Toby Laing, Dallas Tamaira, Joseph Lindsay

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