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I've got my man in his Wrangler jeans,
I've got my man, bull-riding machine
He's on the road, away from me
But when he's home, he's a lovin' machine
Yeah, yeah, he loves me,
I'm his rodeo queen

Trucks comin' in, gravel's down the road Sucker's on the stove, it's time to go
I'll be missin' him, he needs to know, needs to know

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I've got my man in his Wrangler jeans,
I've got my man, bull-riding machine
He's on the road, away from me
But when he's home, he's a lovin' machine
Yeah, yeah, he loves me,
I'm his rodeo queen

Standin' on the porch, watchin' me,
prayin' that he comes home safe to me Santa Fe oh no

I've got my man in his Wrangler jeans,
I've got my man, bull-riding machine
Yeah, yeah, he loves me,
I'm his rodeo queen

Writer(s): Jessica Camille Maros, Leanne Ford

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