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You may ask me how I know my Lord is real (my Lord is real)
You may doubt the things I say and
Doubt the way I feel (the way I feel)
But I know he's real today he'll always be (he'll always be)
I can feel his hand in mine and that's enough for me

I will never walk alone he holds my hand
He will guide each step I take and if I fall I know he'll understand
Till the day he tells me why he loves me so
I can feel his hand in mine that's all I need to know

Il testo continua qui sotto...

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I will never walk alone he holds my hand he
He will guide each step I take and if I fall I know he'll understand
Till the day he tells me why he loves me so
I can feel his hand in mine that's all I need to know
I can feel his hand in mine that's all I need to know
I can feel his hand in mine that's all I need to know

Writer(s): Mosie Lister

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