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God is nothing but man's interpretation of that which he cannot understand
This vision is as flawed as man himself
God is neither kind nor benevolent
He is merciless and cruel like man
Man has turned myths into blatant idol worship and created religion as a tool to enslave the masses
Even in the stories the gods often use deceit and treachery to emerge victorious
After all they are a reflection of man in his best and worst form

The imminent end of this kalpa,
Slipped the Vedas from his sleep.
Asura, Hayagriva
By the folly of Brahma he did receive, the Vedas.

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I fear they will be lost.
With the coming of pralaya,
This task upon me now,
I take the form of Matsya.

To a king I am found.
To a king I do speak.
Protect me from this world,
I am but helpless and weak.

With hours passing I grow,
I beseech you, king, to find me a home.
From ponds to lakes and to the sea,
My form, no space can hold.

Who are you, oh wonderful creature? Surely not of this world.
In the matter of a day, the largest lakes you have outgrown.
Oh Lord Vishnu can it be true?

Seven days from now,
All three worlds will be submerged by the oceans,
Which will rise for the dissolution of creation.

Build a vessel to hold all life,
And the lord of the serpents, Vasuki.
Fear not for I will come for you,
And bring you salvation.

Terror gripped him inside,
As the beast that is Matysa approached him.

Slaughtered in silence, he perished,
Restoring the Vedas to Brahma.
Before his slumber is ended,
Before the next kalpa.

Seven days later clouds gathered over the ocean,
The rain poured down in torrents.
The ocean, it did begin to rise, swallowing all of earth
Darkening skies, we wait with the hope for our savior.

And so he appeared with an illuminated horn of gold,
Lighting the way, giving them hope.
The serpent king, Vasuki, he became the bridge, the rope,
He told them not to fear, no harm shall come to you.

As they sailed on through a day of Brahma,
Vishnu did impart wisdom, the highest form of truth.
A collection of puranic lore, called Matsya Purana,
Saving the true devotees from dissolution,
Carrying the divine knowledge into the next kalpa.

Writer(s): Sahil Makhija

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