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A certain misunderstanding
A little hostility
A certain misunderstanding
It took you away from me
Don't you think you ought to come back now
I'm sure that we can make it up somehow
I know you're losing your confidence
And I've lost mine A certain misunderstanding
Is keeping me in distress
A certain misunderstanding
Is giving me loneliness
You know I need you and I want you here
To make my loneliness disappear
I know you're losing your confidence
And I've lost mine Lalalalalalalalalala Don't you think you ought to come back now
I'm sure that we can make it up somehow
I know you're losing your confidence
And I've lost mine A certain misunderstanding
A little hostility
A certain misunderstanding
It took you away from me
Don't you think you ought to come back now
I'm sure that we can make it up somehow
I know you're losing your confidence
And I've lost mine I know you're losing your confidence
And I've lost mine

Writer(s): Michelle Grainger, Steve Wadey, Anthony Hayes

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