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I undressed you with my eyes I have
Maybe even raped you
In the dark and eerie corners of my mind
I tucked you there
And touched you in a dream last night
Pushed you aside when you entered
My thoughts at the wrong time

I have sat up upon your lap and
Saddled my thighs around your hips like ropes
I rode you on a chair and in the shower
And all the while I clung heavy to your back
My desire deeply harnessed in your spine

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While I squeezed you like a tree trunk
You may have been one
Sexless unconforting you might have
Even barer than a child's
I'm riding recklessly through a thick and humid
Jungle growing anxious with the deep and primal
Yearning that stirs
Deeply pulsing up toward the surface
Like sap rising or honey or tar

Writer(s): Bianca Casady, Sierra Casady

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