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Give me some madness I can get off on
I want to endorse you
I want you to exhaust me
Give me some mindsets I can rub off on
'Cause when you act placid
You know that I can't stand it

Whoever you're mixing your drinks with is dying to
Go to town on you
Whoever you're mixing your drinks with is dying to
Get it out of you

Il testo continua qui sotto...

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Give me some assumptions I can make of you
'Cause you've gotten lazy
Go ahead, girl, frustrate me
Give me some inglorious foot to gun
And come back and find me
With her entwined 'round me

Whoever you're mixing your drinks with is dying to
Go to town on you
Whoever you're mixing your drinks with is dying to
Get it out of you

Writer(s): Ryan Mccann

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