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I can be your eyes
Show what is hard to find
In-between disguise
Always on the other side

Is it any wonder
Why it gets so cold
I'm leaving here without you
I'm on the east coast

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I can be your lie
Saying everything is fine
But I don't know why
How does anyone decide

Is it any wonder
Why it gets so cold
I'm leaving here without you
I'm on the east coast

Is it any wonder, I can be your eyes
Why it gets so cold?
Show what is hard to find
I'm leaving here without you, In-between disguise
I'm on the east coast, always on the other side
Is it any wonder, I can be your lie
Why it gets so cold?
Saying everything is fine
I'm leaving here without you, but I don't know why
I'm on the East Coast, how does anyone decide

Writer(s): Joshua Hwang

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