
  • Durata


The countless sunrises, the unforgettable sunsets, the boundless horizons. The vivid colors and the intense smells of existence.
Dreams. Desires. The eyes to photograph, the ears to record. The mouth, the lips to experiment… And the smiles as a tangible sign of amazement and wonder, despite the vicissitudes of life.
The enthusiasm, the energy and the desire to "pass over" the distances and the unavoidable "shady areas".
The awareness of being part of a "great union" destined to coexist on this "little Blue Planet". The world… OUR WORLD.

(2019 - BHD / iMusician Digital Distribution / ReverbNation)

Available on YouTube, iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Deezer, Vimeo, Shazam, Microsoft store, Bandcamp, SoundCloud etc…

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