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Get outta my mind boy
You know I think about you all the time
Get outta my mind boy
You know I think about you all the time

My dreams keep on giving me hope
And I don't think that I can let go
My dreams keep on giving me hope
And I don't think that I can let go
Every time you start to fade
It's like you come around and say 'hey'
But then I know it's only a game
Because you keep walking away

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Need some time to get out of my mind
Baby I keep losing my cool
Slip and dream of what we once had
Because you know I'm just a fool
My dreams keep on giving me hope
And I don't think that I can let go
My dreams keep on giving me hope
And I don't think that I can let go

Don't think that I can let go
Don't think that I can let go
Get outta my mind boy
You know I think about you all the time
Get outta my mind boy
You know I try, try all the time

Get outta my mind boy
You know I think about you all the time
Get outta my mind boy
You know I try, try all the time
You know I try, try all the time
You know I try, try all the time

Writer(s): Jessica Carter Clavin, Jennifer Francis Clavin

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