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Conversion one
Ive just begun
in 1.2
So much better, better than you
Its incredible
Its comparible
Oh so critical
Its almost beautiful

One Dream
One Vision
The state of perfection
A streamline direction
One day
There will be a way
To the state of perfection
The only direction

Il testo continua qui sotto...

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in 1.3
a self aware entity
in 1.5
no soul that felt so alive
Its sensuous
So ingenious
Cold and alien
its a._____

One Dream
One Vision
The state of perfection
A streamline direction
One day
There will be a way
To the state of perfection
The only direction
One Dream
One Vision
The state of perfection

Switching off of life support

I am it

Writer(s): Christer Paul Hakan Hermodsson

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