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Our father, who art in hell
Unhallowed be Thy name
Thy legions come
Thy enemies begone
On Earth as it is in the Netherworld
Embrace our souls untraveled
Let us sail to the farthest sea
Ignite our craving hearts
Illuminate our ageless will


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Our father, who lies in wait
Unhallowed be Thy name
Thy kingdom enshrines
Thy phosphor blinds
On Earth as it is in Hell
Embrace my soul untraveled
Let me sail to the farthest sea
When I am Thou, O Lord
And Lord when Thou art Me


By thou holy name: Satan
At his command
Heaven shall burn
By thou holy name: Lucifer
At his command
Heaven shall blaze

By thou holy name: Leviathan
At his command
Heaven shall burn
By thou holy name: Belial
At his command
Heaven shall burn

Writer(s): Adam Darski

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