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Beyond love

The first thing that I do before I get into your house
I'm gonna tear off all the petals from the rose that's in your mouth

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Beyond love

You wanted to find Elvis and I didn't understand
They take the simple things inside you, and put nightmares in your hands

Beyond love

This man comes to me, heartbreak did this
He was made to believe that he should live without it

All I know is what I see, no change in this
Visions born in the dreams of a world left without it

We really wanna know, we really do agree
We really do agree, we really wanna know

The last thing that she sees before they turn off all the lights was there
A man up in the corner with the spiders made of light

We really wanna know
Beyond love

All I know is what I see, and I can't live without this
Could you ever believe beyond love?

I really wanna know, I really wanna know

Writer(s): Victoria Garance Alixe Legrand, Alex Kristian Scally

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