Posizione | Ascolta | Album | Preferito | Nome brano | Acquista | Opzioni | Ascoltatori |
1 | Ascolta brano | Ossuary |
2 | Ascolta brano | Tonight, They Plot |
3 | The Other Master- Devoted |
4 | Urizen Wept |
5 | Streams |
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6 | Bellows |
7 | A Breath |
8 | The Other Master- Despised |
9 | Last Steps Upon the Earth |
10 | Precession |
11 | Oubliette |
12 | The Earth Will Once Again Bear Fruit |
13 | For Want of a Red Rose (Blood of the Nightingale) |
14 | Enitharmon Slept |
15 | Rintrah Roared |
16 | In Resonance |
17 | Skygoat |
18 | Steelworks |
19 | The Masters Collide |
20 | Ascolta brano | Ascent To |
21 | By Moonlight |
22 | The Other Master (Devoted) |
23 | whothefuckletthezombiesintotheorchestraagain |
24 | Sightless |
25 | Clockworks |
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26 | The Other Master-Despised |
27 | Beyond The Event Horizon Lies a Bored and Slightly Angry Cat |
28 | Last Steps Upon the Earth (feat. Hazycosmicjive) |
29 | Transmutations |
30 | The Other Master - Devoted |
31 | As The Watchers Weep |
32 | The Other Master (Despised) |