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All I Wanna Do Is Give My Love To You,
Do You Love Me Like You Used To Do?
All I Wanna Do Is Give My Love To You,
Do You Love Me Bby, Tell Me True

Is It Real Or Is It In My Mind
As Just Can't Decide, Maybe I am Insane
Like A Junkie I'm feeding For You Girl
And I Get My Kick, Every Time That You Sing

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Love Harder
I'm Working For You
Love Harder
Just Like You Want Me To

All I Wanna Do Is Take You By The Hand,
Lead You Down To The Promised Land,
All I Wanna Do Is Take You By The Hand,
Rock Your Body Like No Other Man Can

Is It Real Or Is It In My Mind
I Just Can't Decide, Maybe I'm Insane
Hit The Floor Spinning In A Track,
Every Body Jam, Cause I'm Calling My Name
Where I Try Too Give Up, I'm Fighting In Vain
Cause Every Time, You Pull Me Back Again

Girl I'm Working For You
Love Harder,
Just Like You Want Me To
No I Can't Get Enough
Love Harder,
You Got Me ed On Your Tongue Harder,
You Can't Go Away
Love Harder,
Just Let Me Hear You Say
And When The Morning Comes
Love Harder,

Writer(s): Ali Love

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