Read complete directions thoroughly before starting the preparation procedure.
Keep out of the reach of children.
Do not binge listen to it and do not undertake prohibited activities that your mommy would be ashamed of.
"Sounds, noises and emotions drive me away since my childhood. Making music has been a challenging "game", but fun and dead serious."
It’s been a few years now since I’ve approached my new artistic life, striving to realize my dreams and making people and myself enjoy the AVG world.
The Rabbit Project has born in Milan, in the last few months of 2013.
Since then I started realizing “Faces” serie, elaborating them with a mixed technique, using digital and paint on canvas, enriched with peculiar details, like wires, ancient coins, making them unique.
My inspirations have put some life also in the frames themselves, designed and handcrafted by myself.
In a different and complementary way, my photographs track me down on my artistic, personal life.
Every shot captures the emotions I feel when I decide to immortalise a detail, an inanimated object, an instant of life.
I realized that there was a need for a link between my visual art and my music, and also that that particular link could bring to life and complete up my project.
And also that I was giving the right opportunity and vital space to
the Rabbit, the one who pull the strings.
This is how Killer Rabbit, my first album was born,
the sound track painted on my project.
Thanks to the Rabbit
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