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Giu 28

Nada Surf

Con Nada Surf, Air Review e WATERS. Sede: Granada Theater

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Giovedì 28 Giugno 2012 alle 19:00


Granada Theater
3524 Greenville Ave, Dallas, 75206, United States

Tel: 214-824-9933


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Before, Nada Surf albums simply took on the character of the songs that the band came up with at the time. This one was different — there was a plan. “We’ve always played faster and a little harder live,” Caws says, “but we’d always play so carefully in the studio. So with this album, we made a conscious decision to preserve what it felt like in the practice room, when you play with that new-song energy. Just embrace it and not worry whether we’re overdoing it, kind of get all the thinking out of the way.


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