Titres récents
Lecture | Album | Coup de cœur | Nom du titre | Nom de l'artiste | Acheter | Options | Horodatage |
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Lindisfarne I | James Blake |
7 Oct 14h58m | |
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I Never Learnt to Share | James Blake |
7 Oct 14h53m | |
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The Wilhelm Scream | James Blake |
7 Oct 14h49m | |
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Unluck | James Blake |
7 Oct 14h46m | |
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Tep and the Logic | James Blake |
7 Oct 14h43m | |
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Solstice Waves | Eternalistic |
7 Oct 14h41m | ||
Look To The East | Silas Luminance |
3 Oct 19h14m | ||
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Stardust Memories | Celestelle |
3 Oct 19h12m | |
Endicino | Amphose |
3 Oct 19h09m | ||
Prism Lights | Ephermal Nights |
3 Oct 19h06m |
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Top albums
Top titres
Rang | Lecture | Album | Coup de cœur | Nom du titre | Nom de l'artiste | Acheter | Options | Scrobbles |
1 |
Verdensrommet | Aksel Møller |
2 |
Continual | Garcíia |
3 |
Emotional privilege | Jody R |
4 | Écouter le titre |
Onto | Leander Vaughn |
5 | Écouter le titre |
Essence | Rufus Ziegler |
6 |
Permanence | Ageena |
7 | Écouter le titre |
Adi Shakti - Bhakti Mantra | Ajeet |
8 |
Endicino | Amphose |
9 |
Definite | Arietis |
10 |
Expectancy | Aveniós |