Titres récents
Lecture | Album | Coup de cœur | Nom du titre | Nom de l'artiste | Acheter | Options | Horodatage |
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Primary | The Cure |
Scrobbling en cours | |
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Always Be The Same | The Snake Corps |
il y a 4 minutes | |
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Daytime Drama | Billy Idol |
il y a 8 minutes | |
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Garbageman | The Cramps |
il y a 11 minutes | |
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Invisible Sun | The Police |
il y a 15 minutes | |
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The Upstairs Room | The Cure |
il y a 19 minutes | |
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Little Tiny Song | Barenaked Ladies |
il y a 20 minutes | |
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Lions After Slumber | Scritti Politti |
il y a 25 minutes | |
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Screw | The Cure |
il y a 28 minutes | |
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Mary Had a Little Lamb | Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble |
il y a 15 heures |
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Rapports d'écoute
3 Jan — 9 Jan Last.week décembre Last.month 2024 Last.yearTop artistes
Rang | Avatar | Nom de l'artiste | Options | Scrobbles |
1 | Trevor Bastow |
2 | Depeche Mode |
3 | Johnny Cash |
4 | The Stranglers |
5 | MF DOOM |
6 | Annette Hanshaw |
7 | Howard Jones |
8 | Mitch Murder |
9 | Alan Hawkshaw |
10 | Piero Umiliani |
11 | Alan Moorhouse |
12 | Tears for Fears |
13 | Alessandro Alessandroni |
14 | INXS |
15 | Tyler, the Creator |
16 | I Marc 4 |
17 | Keith Mansfield |
18 | Queen |
19 | Billie Holiday |
20 | David Hewson |
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