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I'm begging, Bonnie, wait
There's something I should say
Before it's too late

I got the save the date
Calligraphy was great
But I'm begging, Bonnie, wait

Suite des paroles ci-après

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I really do like Todd
And he's got a good job
Is that really what you want?

'Cause I
I know this other guy
He may be a bit shy
And doesn't have a job
It's weird

'Cause he lives in my house
And we have the same name
You gotta meet this guy

'Cause if it makes sense now
Then it will make sense a year from now

I'm not saying "Don't"
I'm just saying "Wait"
Bonnie, wait

Let's say this guy is me
He can't quite sing on key
But can pen this clumsy plea

To wait

Writer(s): Jack Stratton, Ryan Lerman

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