
The Featured Works (2007-20??) is a "Virtual Evolutive Album" made with the participation of other bands and artists.


Percussions by SaReGaMa
Music by Nehoryn

"Do It Yourself"
Voice and lyrics by Trent Reznor (From "Nine Inch Nails")
Music by Nehoryn
License CC BY.NC.SA

Voice by Stéphanie Barrio
Piano and Music by Nehoryn
License CC BY.NC.ND FR 2.0

"Kill The Monkeyz"
Voice and Lyrics by The Beastie Boys
Music by Nehoryn and Maxime Marion
License CC BY.NC.ND FR 2.0

"My Injured Wings"
Voice and lyrics by Trent Reznor (From "Nine Inch Nails")
Music by Nehoryn
License CC BY.NC.SA

"No Sex, No Rock and No DruG"
Music ans Lyrics by Nehoryn
Voice by Stouffy the Stouves (from "Eclectek")
License CC BY.NC.ND FR 2.0

"Run Away"
Lyrics by Nehoryn and Pedro (from "Fresh Body Shop")
Voice by Pedro (from "Fresh Body Shop")
Music by Nehoryn
License CC BY.NC.ND FR 2.0

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