
  • Années d'activité

    2019 – aujourd'hui (5 ans)

  • Membres

    • Bob Hogenelst
    • Oeds Beydals

MOLASSESS were beckoned to life as a commissioned performance for the 2019 edition of Roadburn Festival, five years after THE DEVIL’S BLOOD – a chaotic coterie of musical misfits lead by efficacious guitarist Selim Lemouchi – ended their fever dance. The invitation inspired new shoots of creativity to blossom where death had walked. THE DEVIL’S BLOOD’s supernal singer Farida Lemouchi formed new bonds with old cohorts Oeds Beydals, Job van de Zande, and Ron van Herpen (ASTROSONIQ), Bob Hogenelst (BIRTH OF JOY) and Matthijs Stronks (DONNERWETTER).

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